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We have upgraded the Paratext from to from there we are not able to type two characters in Kannada. I was waiting for PT 8 migration, even after the migration problem is not solving.

InKey used for language typing and TUNGA is the fount. In word file we are able to type those two letters but that changing in Paratext 8 even. I am attaching both the screen-shorts, green colour underline letters (right) are before upgrading and red colour underline letter (wrong) are after upgrading. imageimage

Paratext by (162 points)

1 Answer

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I see the same issue. That text renders fine in Paratext 7.5 when the alternative rendering is turned off, but not in 7.6 and 8 when the old renderer is no longer present.

If an update to 7.5 makes the problem appear, go to Tools > Options and make sure “Enable alternative rendering engine” is unchecked. Unfortunately there is no equivalent setting for Paratext 8.

Submitted to developers, Case 55732.

by [Expert]
(3.1k points)



The problem comes from a tool Paratext uses for shaping complex scripts. This issue has been reported to the developers of that tool and we are waiting for them to fix this.

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