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I am having issues when trying to register a particular project i.e LUC (Aringa). When I click on “register” under the Send/Receive button, I am redirected to the registry.paratext.org website where I must enter some registration details to register a project. On submitting the registration, it shows that the project is registered but still appears unregistered in PT8. This project also does not appear under the projects DBL database when I search for them e.g. LUC/Aringa. What could be the problem?

Paratext by (135 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer

To document what I think happened. I think the project was pre-registered some months ago, from those lists of projects that were collected by different areas. The project was registered in Paratext 8, with a certain set of team members. At migration time, the team asked someone else to migrate the project for them, and added them as an admin to the Paratext 7 project. The new admin starts the migration, Paratext 8 says the project is not registered, because he is not included in the existing registration. He submits the registration info, which is rejected because the project is already registered.

The solution, find the existing project registration on the registry server, go to members, and click the “authorize user for migration” link to add the new admin into the existing project.

by [Expert]
(3.0k points)


It is good that the migration was rejected because we are still planning the migration process in Uganda and Aringa is not ready to migrate. I only see two administrators to the project but there’s no link to “authorize user for migration”. Anyway, I will notify the other administrator not to migrate.

Perhaps the “authorize user for migration” link does not appear for anyone. The other option if a project needs to add someone to do the migration but a registration exists in Paratext 8 is to delete that existing registration, which I believe the people listed as administrators for that project could do.

0 votes

Thank you, sewhite. This problem has been resolved.

by (135 points)

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