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I have been noticing a popup message recently, when doing a send/receive with multiple projects selected.
The message is "You have received xx new projects, Should Paratext open a new project window for each project?"
I found that it made no difference whether I clicked yes or no, and I had not in fact received any new projects.
Today I noticed that the message only pops up when doing a send/receive with 11 or more projects selected. If I change to send/receive 10 or fewer projects, I only get the normal Changes Sent and Received dialog.
Not a big deal, but it was a bit disconcerting the first time I received the message, and it made me wonder if there was an issue with the one extra project I had just downloaded.

Paratext by (418 points)

3 Answers

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Best answer

What version of Paratext are you using?

by [Expert]
(16.2k points), but I think it was also happening on 100.10, I will verify later.

Yep, I see the problem. It has already been written up by @anon848905.

It doesn’t cause any trouble, and most people won’t be send/receiving 11 or more projects at a time, so won’t be affected anyway. I have been helping people import projects from Word files into Paratext, and provide support for many people in NTM, so I end up having a fair number of projects on my computer.
When the message pops up for the first time, it is a bit disconcerting, but not a big issue.
However, since it seemed like it was probably a bug/not by design, I figured I should probably mention it.

0 votes

Yeah, I was wondering about that strange message too. I’ve seen it plenty of times, but didn’t notice the correlation with the number of projects being sent/received.

by (262 points)
0 votes

I’m getting this popup message ( and wondered if there was a plan to eliminate it?

by (1.8k points)

It might get fixed in 8.1, but so far it’s a fairly low priority.

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