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I am trying to help a translator who has had a send/receive problem in Paratext 7.5 after he switched to a new computer. He can receive changes from everybody else on the team without problems, but nobody else on the team are getting the changes he sends. Any suggestions on how to solve this one way sharing problem?

Paratext by (346 points)

3 Answers

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These are their answers to your suggestions:

  1. We do have this case, but the 3 of us who were doing S/R at the time were using the machines we do S/R on all the time.
  2. We don’t restore texts to Paratext.
  3. We do frequent S/Rs

So do you still think having multiple machines with the same Paratext registration name is the problem?

by (346 points)

If you can (i.e. it’s not a sensitive project), can you give their user name and the project name?

In any case where a single user has two machines, much care has to be taken that: every time a send and receive is done on the one computer, it is also done on the other. So leave work, do S/R, come home do S/R.
Paratext might try to be smart about this if that is not what is being done, but to me, it is the primary suspect in this case.

And of course, a code should never be shared between two users, but you already know this…

I understand they are already getting help from John Wickberg with this problem.

0 votes

Has someone ticked “Administrator must review changes” in the Users menu?


Shegnada J.

Language Technology and Publishing Coordinator, Nigeria

Text Processing Specialist GPS Dallas

Skype: Shegnada.James.

+[Phone Removed]

by (1.3k points)

Only the Administrator can check this option, and it has not been checked for this project.

If you can (i.e. it’s not a sensitive project), can you give their user name and the project name?

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I’m trying to help a translator who has a send/receive problem described as follows:

“All of a sudden after our team does a send-receive, an older version of the text shows up. It seems to be originating from my machine because (for example on Aug 23 and then again on Aug 31), when I click “undo all changes” from the changes originating from my machine, the latest version re-appears and things are OK, for a while.”

Does anybody have a clue what might be going on here?

by (346 points)

Without knowing the details of the project, a few guesses (In order of likelihood, I think):

  1. They have multiple machines using the same Paratext registered name. This can confuse Paratext when doing merges and might cause what they saw (especially when combined with #3 - i.e. one machine doesn’t do S/R very often).
  2. They restored a backup of the text into their project and did a S/R. This causes Paratext to think that text is newer and will then attempt to re-merge all that old text with the newer text in the project.
  3. They are doing very-infrequent S/Rs and the merge code determined that they had the most changes to the text and ended out taking all of their changes (which were just really old text) for everything.
  4. A bug in Paratext

(okay, so maybe #4 is more likely than last, but I’m trying to be optimistic :innocent:)

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