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Would it be possible to make "on the line" the default for marginal verse numbers? If not, what is the easiest way to change them from being superscripted to "on the line"?
PTXprint by (111 points)

1 Answer

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You can change the appearance of the verse numbers by going to the Styles tab and changing the settings for the verse number. Note that you will likely have to make the "Raise" a negative number (I played with -3).
by (8.5k points)
Thank you. That's helpful.
I still wonder if it would make sense to have the default style be "on the line" for marginal verse numbers. Superscripting is used to set the verse numbers off from the text, moving the verse numbers to the margin also sets the verse numbers off from the text. It isn't necessary (and may actually be less clear) to do both superscripting and marginalizing of the verse numbers. In all the Bibles I've seen that use marginal verse numbers, they are "on the line" with the text, rather than superscripted. Maybe a survey could be done to see if that is true for the majority of projects using marginal verse numbers.
The PTXPrint team would have to address changing the default, but I'm guessing that it is more complicated to change the verse style whenever someone changes between normal text and marginal verse numbers. Defaults are funny things because there is always someone who wants a different default. I'm guessing that in this case, verse numbers have a default style that isn't changed based on where the numbers are located.
Phil is correct, the styling is defined by the style-sheet, which applies to the whole publication, and some publications only use marginal verses numbers e.g. for poetry.
I guess given sufficient demand we could check for someone having defined a style for \vmargin which it should apply to marginal verses,  but I predict that if we do that, there will be complaints from users about their styling for \v not getting applied to marginal verses.

Another option is to try to make the code use cat:marginal|v, where there is automatic fall-through to normal \v formatting, but there are still style-editor oddities where the 'is this different to the root style' test gets things wrong, which are even harder to solve user-support issues with.

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