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PTXprint 2.6.11

There seems to be a bug in the merging mode settings.
After switching the merging mode from "Scored" back to "Document based", it works not properly, and behaves like "Chapter Verse". (It seems to work only after a program restart).

P.S. Sorry I have many problems by updating to 2.7, the program is not responding, therefore have to go back to 2.6.
PTXprint by (114 points)
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1 Answer

0 votes
I'm sorry that you're having problems with the most recent 2.7 releases. I know that there were some early problems, but I've not noticed / heard of any problems with 2.7.12 (released on Dec 18).

I know that some projects maintain a "stable" and a "development" version. However, maintaining multiple different releases of the code is difficult task and can easily lead to errors, and thus the decision was made several years ago that the very limited developer time (there are three of us, all working on this part-time) was better spent fixing bugs and providing user-support in the latest code, rather than trying to back-port fixes into old code.

Can I ask, what was the problem with "Scored" merge? Document is only really useful where the paragraph structure is identical, e.g. a transliteration project or strict back-translation.
by (877 points)
Thanks for your reply.
The reason that I changed from "Scored" back to "Document" is because, it makes me difficult to align different kinds of verses in diglot, esp. when there are two different verse beginnings. But now via a restart, the problem could be solved.
I have downloaded the latest version (2.7.12), it is always hanging (no responding) when printing a PDF (but the printed PDF ist already there in folder) . Also I have found the system fonts  for chinese (e.g. "宋体", Simsun)that I used in the old version is not to be found in the latest Version. Could it be the problem?

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