+2 votes

Since perhaps Paratext 9.4 I have noticed that Paratext tries to do quite a lot of things in the background to check registry settings, but unfortunately often this means that alert messages pop up out of nowhere complaining about me having removed a USB drive (for Send/Receive) when I'm not doing S/R any more, and the same for a lack of internet connection. It's not a major issue, but it confuses many newer translators until they get conditioned into ignoring the message and clicking a button to make it go away. Unfortunately that then means if there ever were an important or surprising message displayed, they'll ignore it.

Any advice about settings we could choose to stop these popup messages coming apparently randomly?

Is this menu in the Send/Receive dialog relevant:

Mine was set to daily, but often I and my students get multiple alerts on top of each other in the course of a few minutes, and being modal dialogs they make Paratext appear to be frozen if the 'topmost' one has been covered by the Paratext window.

Paratext by (506 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
The schedule tool is where I would expect to see this issue. Click on Custom and verify that there are no scheduled S/R. You could try setting this to Never to verify that the issue is happening because of the S/R schedule. Presumably it is asking for the USB as the last place that S/R was done.

These setting are per user.
by (8.5k points)
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