Hi all,
My Paratext had been working great and suddenly became very glitchy/freezing. In particular, when I try to change views, open notes, reply to notes, do send/receive, or change chapters or books, the whole program freezes up, sometimes upwards of one minute, and windows gives me the "program not responding" error before the program catches up and starts working again.
Here's the odd thing is that it seems to be linked to my user account. My wife and I both have a user account on a Windows 11 computer that we share, and when my wife is logged into her Windows account using her Paratext user account, Paratext works fine (even when we are working on the same projects).
Our translation team also just got a brand new Windows 11 computer, and I was hoping a brand new install on a new computer would fix the problem. However, even with Paratext freshly installed, when I log in to my Paratext user account, the same problems described above occur on the brand new computer.
The sudden change from working normally to being very glitchy/freezing corresponded with me doing a send-receive by USB with a translator who is still on Windows 7. He was using Paratext 9 (I'm not sure exactly which version), but his machine wouldn't access the server properly to do an internet send/receive, so I used the USB option to get his computer up-to-date. The problems began the same day.
An advice is appreciated. The glitchiness is severe enough that it slows down my workflow pretty drastically.