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PT has got this very interesting tool, called Adapt Names.

A project is in the process of "fixing" all Biblical proper names. Since there are so many names to go through, they never manage in just one working session. And next time we open in PT, all the entries in the Adapted Character column are gone.

I put "hack" in the question-title, but I mean no harm:
For the target-language we need more "clusters" than the tool is offering. Example: the tool is offering "ch" as a cluster, and we render that "k". Fine.

We need more clusters, for example where vowels meet:
"abiel" in Hebrew would be "abiyel" in the target language, so we often need to insert "y" to make vowel-clusters pronouncable.

So here are my questions:

Where is the data for the "Adapt Names" stored in a PT 9 project please? I suppose it is some XML-file. Maybe it is not stored at all, but there must be some data, to make the tool work. Where do the "Base Characters" come from? How can I make more entries (custom clusters)?

How can we store our work, at the end of a working day, when all is not completed yet?

Also, there is one deep mystery about Adapt Names: From the transliterated Hebrew/Greek we see a lot of entries marked (DC), which is not a problem. But when we attempt to edit, we get the "invalid character" error each time. It looks like the space between the actual name and the tag (DC) is causing this. I claim it is a bug that "space(DC)" shows up in each adapted name entry and in each edit-box, if the tool itself cannot handle it that way. Forces the users to delete each occasion of  "space(DC)" and that is 5 key-strokes for nothing, times about 600.
Paratext ago by (852 points)

1 Answer

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Lots of questions here so if I miss something - ask again.

  • Where is the information stored? Since the Adapt Name tool is creating a rendering in the Biblical Terms tool, the information is stored in TermRenderings.xml
  • Base characters come from choosing the language when you open the tool. The clusters that you see are based on the langauge settings of the base project. You can't change these clusters for resources, but you could temporarily change the language settings of your project (or a temporary projet) to include other clusters as needed.
  • If you are choosing to work from the transliterated Hebrew/Greek you will see the DC entries.Try choosing your own language (or a temporary language with the clusters you need) as the base and see if that helps.
  • Entries that are correct should be approved by clicking the check mark (turns green). This saves the name to the renderings.
  • In my experience, I was not seeing all of the names show up in the adapt names list. Not sure why not.
ago by (8.3k points)
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Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.
Acts 2:46-47
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