+1 vote
We have linked Holy Spirit (Asubane Noekene) to the corresponding entry in our glossary. Now we also want to link holy (noekene) to the glossary. However, both holy's (noekenes) will overlap and will cause a conflict. How to deal with this? A suggestion that someone gave to us was:

There are probably workarounds, though the only solution I can think of is not very elegant: temporarily change “Holy Spirit“ to something else (everywhere in the translation as well as the glossary key term), then apply the linking, then change it back.

Or would there be a better solution?
Paratext ago by (106 points)

1 Answer

0 votes


I don't think there is any “overlap” problem, unless I'm misunderstanding the situation. Do you have a little verse showing the difficulty or some more data on the drawback?

If you register Asubane Noekene and noekene as renderings for "Holy Spirit" and "Spirit" respectively, the glossary will register these as separate with no problem (if that is what you are looking for). 

When marking the renderings in the text (with the \w...\w* markers) you will also have no problem. Paratext will mark \w Asubane Noekene\w* where it corresponds to Holy Spirit and \w noekene\w* when it finds only spirit. That is to say, it will not generate any situation like \w Asubane \wNoekene\w*\*w


ago by (829 points)
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