+1 vote

I have been getting this error for over 10 min when trying adding users to a PT project.
It is always followed by a message implying bad character input, but I have verified what has been typed.
I suspect the second error, is due to mishandling of the first error.
I have 11 people to add to 30-40 projects, but am not able to make progress due to this "Too many requests" error.

After ~15 min it worked for 3-5 min, now it has stopped for over 10 min again. It feels like this message is keeping me from even getting in the queue to have the request handled. Some might have prefer to come back tomorrow., but if I have many requests that need to be done soon, having the option to enter the queue would be very helpful.

Paratext by (1.2k points)
edited by

3 Answers

+1 vote
Attn Tom along with others! We've seen this error also in conjunction with our recent PTLite send/receive issue (on Android).
by (630 points)
0 votes

If you have permissions to manage these projects on registry.paratext.org you could add the members there as well. It is also slow (as it is a connection to the same server) but it is more straightforward. When you enter a project, you go to the “Members” tab and there you can add the user and their role. Note that this cannot be done in back-translations.

I understand that the server slowness problem is a known issue.

by (882 points)
0 votes
The "Too many requests" message is coming from the registry server. We added some rate limits to try prevent the server from having performance problems. We haven't gotten as much benefit from this as we hoped, but it's one of the few things we could do that may help.

Once you get the message, the best option is to just wait for a while before doing more requests to the registry server.

John Wickberg

Paratext support
by [Administrator]
(3.2k points)
John, just waiting for a while isn't working for us. The "Too many requests" error has been happening for a couple of days now. We are just doing a simple Send/Receive of a project. Do you recommend doing S/R with a USB Drive as a work-around for those of us who are working locally with an MTT?
If you are able to do S/R locally, that would be a reasonable work around.

You could create a shared folder on a machine to use as the destination - that might be easier than the USB drive. ChorusHub is also an option to use as a local server. It does take more setup. Search Paratext help for more details.

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