0 votes
A language team has been using the standard apostrophe (0027) for the glottal stop, but would like to change to the glottal stop character (A78C). They've added a keyboard shortcut into their AutoCorrect and could use Find/Replace in their text. However, many of their Key Term Renderings also have the 0027 glottal stop. So Paratext will no longer be able to match the words from their Renderings list to what's in the text. Is there a way to do a Find/Replace in the Key Terms Renderings list, to replace all 0027s with A78Cs?
Paratext ago by (122 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
You can't do that from within Paratext, but it should be easy externally.

You need to navigate to your My Paratext Projects folder, then the folder for that project. Inside that folder there will be a file called TermRenderings.xml

Open that with your favorite text editor (Notepad, Wordpad, etc., but not something like Microsoft Word), make the replacement, and save it. Then test to see if it did what you expected. You'll want to make the edit while PT is closed, and then turn it on after you've saved.

As normal when doing edits externally, it's always a good practice to back up the file before you edit in case you do something wrong.
ago by (1.7k points)
Thank you so much for these clear instructions!
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