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I'm trying to undertand the relationship of issues reported between the different windows (All taks/Stages table, etc.)in the A&P tool. Either I don't understand correctly what each list/table is supposed to report or there are discrepancies in a project. For example, for Acts in this project All Tasks Stage 2 (Vérification en équipe) shows just one issue in the Basic checks plus 3 in Rendering Discussion notes and 2 in Biblical terms renderings found. The latter ones are only optional at this stage in the project. When I look at the same book in the Stages Table for Stage 2 it shows 62 issues in one check. What do thes 62 issues refer to (If I click the link it of course takes me back to the All Tasks page with only one issue (and 5 which aren't yet required) showing. I'm confused!

Paratext by (213 points)

1 Answer

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In the text you highlight in the second image: “62 issues in 1 check”. Normally that count of 62 is the sum not only of basic checks but of all the checks that generate counts, such as rendering not completed, spelling issues, notes, etc. Thinking about it, those 62 would be the sum of all the lines that mark “issues” in the All task view.

What strikes me in your image is that the 62 issues come from a single check, I would have expected it to say 2 or more checks.

Just with the information in the images it would seem to me an error in the count in the second image. Although there could be another explanation having more information. Yes it only happens in this book or all of them etc.

You can also send a bug report to Paratext and then you can get the full information. This is from the main menu of Paratext - Give feedback.

by (887 points)
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