0 votes
The facilitator of a translation project does not yet have her own computer, so she is temporarily using the laptop of an older team member who only needs to read the text, not edit the text or add notes.  So, all of the facilitator's notes are marked as being from that older translator.

Can the facilitator change the current registration name in Paratext (the older translator's name) to her own registration name (which was only recently created), and then change it back again if and when she is able to get her own laptop?
Paratext by (264 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
The short answer is Yes. You can change the Paratext registration to a different user by going to the Main menu > Help > Registration information.

I would recommend saving the existing information to a file so that it can be restored later.

An alternate way to handle this is to create a new user on the computer. Then when the second user logs into Windows they can set their Paratext registration. The registration will then follow the Windows log in.

Note that when you use two users on the same computer it is important to always do Send/Receive when you start and end work (this is always true).
by (8.5k points)
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