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Dear Team,

Recently we faced a requirement that the concerned team wants to increase or decrease the font size of the notes that gets entered into the text box.

Kindly please provide a solution or any python can script can be added to achieve this.


Ebenezer Illango

closed with the note: The Issue is resolved
Paratext by (105 points)
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1 Answer

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Choose a language that you do not normally use (in my example pdc - Pennsylvania Dutch). Install a resource in this language. In the language settings of the resource, choose your desired font and font size. Use this language as the language for your project notes.

by (840 points)
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Thanks so much. It works perfectly!
For those who don't want to set a separate project, you can also use the normal Zoom features (Ctrl plus or Ctrl minus) to make the note larger or smaller. This of course affects the size of the entire note. The advantage here is that each preson can set the size for themself.

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