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In Rev79, when I go to try to add my Paratext project (Mru) on the Paratext Integration page, my project does not show up (though a couple of old back translation projects do show up).  A Rev79 expert thinks that it's because the correct Managing Organization is not listed.  If that's the case, how can I add a managing organization?  Is it something I can do or only someone with authority over Paratext registry can do?  Or perhaps the solution is something else?

I don't remember choosing the managing organizations when I was setting up this project or the back translation project (which for some reason has a different managing organization), so if someone can shed light on how managing organizations are chosen/assigned, that'd be helpful for future reference.
Paratext by (216 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
If you are an administrator on the project you can go to Project Settings > Project Configuration and click on the Manage Registration button at the bottom of the Basic tab. This will take you to the Paratext registry. You may need to log in with your email address. You should then be able to make changes to the Managing Organization.
by (8.5k points)
Even logged in as the administrator, I can't find or add the organization that I want to add.  Can you tell me if there's a page where additional organizations can be added?
I would expect that your Paratext registration shoudl be the same organization as your REV79 organization. If you are registered in Paratext under a different organization you are likely not able to make that change. You may need to ask the administrator of your organization (in the PT registration) to assist with the change.
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Hebrews 10:24-25
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