0 votes
Hello brethren,

We are starting to work locally with Punjabi peoples in Canada and have applied to SIM missionary society. I am looking to have done 5 small different bible projects for local outreach.

1) Gospel of John (diglot)  -  Berean Standard Bible (BSB) / Punjabi (IRV).  (HAN 2 ornamental border)
5.5" x 8.5" (13.97 x 21.59 cm)

2) Gospel of John (punjabi).  - Punjabi (IRV) double column.   (HAN 2 ornamental border)
5.5" x 8.5" (13.97 x 21.59 cm)

3) 4 Gospels (punjabi) - Punjabi (IRV)  LARGE print single column.  (HAN 2 ornamental border)
6" x 9" (15.24 x 22.86 cm)

4) 4 Gospels (diglot)  -  Berean Standard Bible (BSB) / Punjabi (IRV). LARGE print. (HAN 2 ornamental border)
6" x 9" (15.24 x 22.86 cm)

5) New Testament (diglot)  -  Berean Standard Bible (BSB) / Punjabi (IRV).  (single line ornamental border)
5.5" x 8.5" (13.97 x 21.59 cm)

It would be such a blessing if any brothers or sisters had time to help have these done, I could potentially help pay or reimburse for your time. All these are for outreach locally. And I would design the cover and other inside materials to go with it.
Paratext by (121 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

You can possibly generate these texts as PDF files yourself. You can download the PTXPrint program, download  the BSB text and the IRV text, and then select the desired format, and PTXPrint will make a PDF  file. 

Download PTXPrint: https://software.sil.org/ptxprint/download/

Download IRV text: https://app.thedigitalbiblelibrary.org/entry/download_listing?id=e2588ba61891daa5&license=15185&revision=

(You can ignore what the page says about downloading Nathanael to get the text, clicking the "Download zip" file gives you a file that PTXPrint can  open. 

Download BSB text:

(as above, just click "Download zip").

To open the downloaded texts in PTXPrint, click the 'DBL' button besides the project chooser

Then click on the "Locate"button and find the file you downloaded.

Proceed with selecting formatting options in the PTXPrint dialogs. Ask us if you can't find something in PTXPrint you need. 

by [Expert]
(3.1k points)
I spent 10 hours trying to adjust any settings to take away huge white space problems at the bottom of the pages, each time there were different.  That is why I am wondering if anyone who is proficient with PTX could spent a few hours and help with the projects above :-)
PTX Print is a good solution.
When I try a diglot with BSB and IRV together, I get a lot of random white space too. I'm  not sure what to do about that. I think the best results are using the Scored (verse) option in the "Merging mode" box on the Diglot settings tab.
There are some more ideas for fixing white space problems on the PTXPrint FAQ:
For a quick draft layout, the fastest way to accomplish this is to allow for Unbalanced lines: (1) Go to the Layout page, near the top right corner is the option to allow Unbalanced lines. (2) set the number of “Unbalanced Lines (max)” to something like 5.

I don’t have easy access to a pc computer.  Could you or someone try the above to see if it works.  I definetly need help with this.
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