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Our project uses a non-roman script with no capitalization, and it helps people be able to identify names when we format them in italics. Is there an easy way to do this? So far I've used \pn to manually mark some of them and then format these as italicized in PTX Print. But given that the key terms tool can identify the proper names we enter, I'm wondering if it can be leveraged somehow to add markup to them all? Any advice?
Paratext by (128 points)

1 Answer

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In order to use the Biblical Terms tool you must have glossary entries for the proper names. Paratext can then mark the words in the text with \w ...\w* markers which you could replace with whatever markers you wanted.

  • If there is an existing glossary - save that to a safe location.
  • Add glossary entry to term
  • Mark term in text
  • Replace markers
  • The style for the new marker can be adjusted using a custom.sty file.

Here is a quick video of a way to do this.

by (8.5k points)
selected by
Wow you made a dedicated tutorial video, thanks so much!
It may be that this still needs some manual checking: the Biblical Terms tool will only mark up terms in verses where the corresponding term occurs in Greek. Names may sometimes occur in the translation where the Greek just has a pronoun or verb form (e.g. "Jesus said" for Gr. εἶπεν); Paratext wonꞌt mark those.
Yes I noticed that in the video. We'll edit it properly with a read through too. For now I'd rather have a tool that is overcautious rather than risking accidentally marking extra words. Some I can reliably change with a regex find and replace, but for others this is probably the best method for now. Another downside is it's still a little labour intensive to type a glossary entry for each name (otherwise I don't need them as actual glossary entries).

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Hebrews 10:24-25
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