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The partial verse at the bottom of the left column occurs after a list marked as a table in ParaText.

PTXprint by (188 points)

1 Answer

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Well, that's nasty! It looks like it has either become very confused or it has met a problem and panicked.  Could you have the log and let us know if it has any errors in it? In either case, we're not seeing anything like that in our test-suite, so probably need an archive from you so that we can replicate the issue and solve it.
by (704 points)
Please use the "Create Archive..." button on the Help page/tab and then send the resulting .zip file to ptxprint (underscore) support (at) sil.org and we'll take a look. If you happen to be part of SIL, you can drop the file into this Google shared folder instead: http://tiny.cc/ptxpdropbox
Martin committed a fix for this yesterday. The issue was that footnotes inside tables were getting told they could form footnotes a few meters wide. (which is actually the first step of making table cells wrappable).  Since a similar mechanism is in use for notes that form a single paragraph projects using that setting didn't see the problem.
Thank you for looking into this.

I upgraded to version 2.5.2 and reran my file. But I'm still getting the missing text. Do I need to wait for another version?
Sorry for your lost time, 2.5.2 came out 2 days before Martin fixed it. It should be fixed in 2.5.3.

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