0 votes
I had used PTLite on my old phone, but Send/Receive stopped working after a while. I suspect my phone / version of Android was too old? Not sure... Anyway, I have a newer phone and I'm trying to get PTLite working. I was able to "Register" (after finding instructions on the web that allowed me to find how to do so), and tried to Send/Receive. I let it go for about 10 minutes, and then cancelled it, figuring it had 'hung'. I closed PTLite, opened it again, did another S/R (which this time took a second(!)), but now I get the message that "Book does not exist in project." Well, it does in PT'Heavy', but for some reason PTLite can't display it... Any hints on getting the 'books' to show in PTLite? Thanks in advance.
Paratext Lite by (620 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer

Based on the log file we think we have identified an edge case that may cause this.

Could you try the following:

a. Main Menu -> About -> Click 7 times. (The about box will then close)

b. Main Menu -> Debug -> File Explorer

(File Explorer isn't the most user friendly tool - It wasn't intended for general use but we found it helpful to fix unexpected problems)

c. files -> Paratext8Projects -> Temp Files

Do you see any files listed here? (any ending with .hg)

If so.

d. Press the 'Trash can' icon next to them. (and press the DELETE button)

e. Press the back arrow to exit file explorer.

f. Attempt to S/R the project again.

If this does work, then at the very least we should improve 'Reset' to clear this folder.

by [Moderator]
(2.3k points)

selected by
Thank you. This worked. There was also a folder in Temp Files, along with the .hg file:
[language.code folder]
I didn't delete the folder; just the file.
Thanks for the feedback. In future I plan to make Paratext Lite more robust in dealing with this situation.
0 votes
If you do Main Menu -> (expand) -> Submit feedback, then we will get a log which will likely tell us the cause of this.

Q: Was Paratext Lite installed from the Play Store or was it sideloaded via an APK?

You could try resetting Paratext Lite:

a. Main Menu -> About -> Click 7 times. (The about box will then close)

b. Main Menu -> Debug -> Reset Settings

c. Reset

d. Wait for Paratext Lite to Reset itself and restart.
by [Moderator]
(2.3k points)
Thanks. I tried resetting PTLite and doing another S/R, but the books still don't exist in the project.

Feedback report submitted...
Received feedback report.
There is an error coming from the S/R server.
Looking into this...
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