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Hello, and I apologize in advance for the wacky first question. 

I was using Paratext on a Windows 10 PC for some time and had not experienced any issues. All checks were reasonable (missing \p markers, etc.) and easily fixable. However, I migrated to a virtual machine on my M1 (Apple Silicon) MacBook Pro using VMware Fusion and Windows 11 (ARM). Paratext runs great but when I attempt to run checks, I get some very unexpected and unresolvable errors.

Ignoring the quotation punctuation issue, since this project does not include it, the first issue is the empty verses, yet all the verses are present. Secondly, why are all \p markers throwing errors for being "empty"? Then, all the footnotes, endnotes, and cross references are referring to verses that are there, but Paratext thinks are "missing" (first issue). Then, all of the "\add...\add*" markers are located in verse "0" and "cannot occur here" (I'm assuming this is again relating to the missing verses; you can't have text in verse "0"). 

Is there any explanation for why Paratext can't find the verses? I can't think of a single thing that I changed since everything was working successfully on the PC, but now I can't even take the first step to outputting a PDF since it fails the USFM checks so catastrophically. 

This may have absolutely nothing to do with switching computers, but that's the only thing I can think of. Thank you in advance for your help. 

Paratext by (106 points)

1 Answer

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My guess would be that something happened when transferring the project to the new computer, but I don't know what the problem would be.

It would probably be best to use "Give feedback" on the Help menu to send a Paratext problem report along with a backup of the project. This will provide the developers with enough information to try to track down the problem.
by [Administrator]
(3.2k points)
Thank you, John. I sent the feedback report and hopefully someone will be able to figure out what went wrong. I'm not that far into the project yet, as I'm still working on learning the markers and syntax, but it's annoying to hit a roadblock this soon in the process.

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