+1 vote

A few months ago I tried out (and gave some feedback for) the new Quotation types check in PT 9.4 Beta. Last week I noticed that this check was no longer listed among the Basic Checks. Today PT 9.4 was released and the Quotation types check is listed as one of the new features. I'm not sure if PT automatically updates from a beta version to a stable release, so I downloaded and installed the new release. But the Quotation types check is still not there. What happened to it?

This is what the Basic Checks dialog looks like:


Paratext by (418 points)
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1 Answer

+2 votes
Make sure that Quotation types is enable. Project settings > Quotation rules.
If is not enable, it wont show it on Basic Checks.
by (108 points)
Thanks! I hadn't realised that this had to be enabled first.

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