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In the full version of PT, when using a Daughter project, there is a ab button which allows me to see changes to the Base project since I marked a verse as correct. Another way to access the same feature is via Menu-->View-->Differences in base project.

Is there similar functionality in PT Lite?

Paratext Lite by (1.8k points)

1 Answer

0 votes

When viewing a Back translation there is a compare versions button, which will do something similar:

However if you don't see that toolbar button, then one can also bring up the display manually

Click on the pane menu, and expand the menu options:

Then click "Compare Versions..."

Which will open a blank compare versions view:

If you then select the parent project and the daughter project you want to compare, and "Current Version" for both the projects, it should hopefully show what you want to see:

by [Moderator]
(2.3k points)

What you describe doesn't do the same thing. It might be stated as "Differences to base project".

But the button in Paratext (which works exactly like the button in Back Translation projects) opens the history with the base project set to two different dates. One date is when you first marked box in the Daughter (or BT) project as "checked" and the second date is the current one. So you can see everything that changed in the base project between those periods of time.

But based on the answer I think you verified that PT Lite doesn't have that functionality built it. Thank you for the response.

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