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I customized a project plan, then saved it as a Base plan and applied it to a second project. The first project includes two different associated BT projects (not ideal but necessary for this team). I specified checks involving both of the "kyx" BT projects. Now for the second project (which, as is normal, has only one BT project), the project plan contains checks that specify the second "kyx" BT. However, the "nsn" project is not related to kyx and these checks (marked red in the screenshot) are orphaned and in the way!

How can I get rid of the checks circled in red, please? In the screenshot the green circles mark tasks pertaining to the correct "nsn" project. 

I tried to edit the tasks list in the Project Plan setup screen, but these "kyx" tasks don't even appear there!

Paratext by (630 points)
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1 Answer

0 votes
The BT checks should appear under the checks tab (not the tasks tab). When you modify the plan do they show up under checks?
by (8.5k points)

Oops! I mis-wrote that. They do not show up under Checks in the plan modification screen. They do show up in Assignments and Progress, and there is no obvious way to delete them. 

Okay. Can you use Give Feedback in Paratext to report the issue?
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