0 votes
When I right click a word in the source languages window and then want to open a dictionary for that word, in Paratext 9.3 it would always give me a former lookup. That meant that I had to do another click on the same word to get to the right place in the right dictionary. I was happy to see that this was fixed in Paratext But then it was again wrong in Paratext, so I had to uninstall that update. I hope this will be fixed. Should I also report it as a bug?
Paratext by (869 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
I belived that the update has been withdrawn pending fixing the issue with project settings not opening. I don't believe anyone has reported the issue with dictionaries. Please report this issue so that it is logged in the Youtrack system. For anyone who needs to revert back to the previous update version of Paratext 9.4, here is a brief video.

by (8.3k points)
0 votes
The patch had a problem connecting to FLEx, so all FLEx related functionality was broken.

We have been able to fix the problem and a new patch will be released soon.
by [Administrator]
(3.1k points)

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