0 votes
In the Biblical Terms window, the lower pane displays all the verses containing that term. There is then a check box telling whether 1) the term is found, 2) it is missing, or 3) it has manually be okayed.

How can I filter that pane so that only one category is showing? Currently I want to focus on verses where the term is missing, but I can also see circumstance where I'll want to check only the ones that have been manually okayed.
Paratext by (1.8k points)

1 Answer

0 votes
There is a filter where it says 'All terms' and you can select 'Missed renderings' or 'Denied renderings', among other things.
by (222 points)
Thank you. I knew the answer would be embarrassingly obvious.

I had searched for a word, and so the "All terms" area was changed to my search term. But your note gave enough clues that I ended up finding it.
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1 Corinthians 12:13
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