0 votes
I'm trying to open a Project from a friend. I put the .p8z file in /Paratext8Projects/_Resources, but get this message on startup: "X project on your computer could not be opened. File 'Settings.xml' can not be loaded from resource because it can not be verified."

Any tips on how to proceed? Thanks,

Paratext by (620 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer
Paul - it is not clear what you are trying to do. *.p8z files are not projects, but resources. If your friend is trying to share a project they should either use Send/Receive to send you the project or if the project is not registered they can make a backup (.zip) of the project and send you the .zip which you can then restore.
by (8.5k points)
selected by
That worked, Phil. I had renamed the .zip to .p8z, since that's the extension all the other projects in /_Resources had. I changed it back to .zip, used File > Restore Project From File, and it opened just fine. Thank you!
0 votes
Maybe not the best worded error message.

It looks like the .p8z file you provided isn't properly encrypted - .p8z files are encrypted resources that the Paratext team creates.

It could also be that the file was originally valid, but it was corrupted while being copied.

John Wickberg

Paratext support
by [Administrator]
(3.2k points)
Thanks for the info, John. Is there a way to re-encrypt a p8z file?

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