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A very tech-savvy MTT has asked about the status of AQuA. It's obvious that he's psyched about the possibilities. Can anyone provide info that may not already be on or near the linked page?

Not sure this is the right place to ask, but I thought I might as well test out the range of apps and software strategies that are up for discussion here.

Thank you.

Yours from the future,


General by (113 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer
Hi Chas,

Thanks for your interest in AQuA! AQuA is in "beta mode" right now and is going through a few select user trials at the moment. Other than the AQuA page on ai.sil.org, we unfortunately don't have any other public documentation out right now (although expanding that page is on my ever-growing to-do list :) ) If you are interested and willing to be one of our guinea pigs, you can fill out the contact form at ai.sil.org to be considered as an AQuA tester.

- Cassie
by (136 points)
selected by [Administrator]
0 votes

I don't think there is anyone on Support.Bible who can answer that right now.  This site just went live last night.  But hopefully we can get them to join us here soon! smiley


by [Administrator]
(324 points)
OK, thank you, Glenn. I'm sorry if I jumped the gun, but I'm pleased to be an early adopter. I figured you were wanting to draw together support communities for a lot of BT software and tech strategies.

It looks as if AQuA is still in the conceptual stage, but maybe if it's really relying on AI, it will finish coding itself very soon.
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