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Yesterday I was asked by a user how to create a local project for personal work. I was surprised that even after a long search I could not provide the answer.

update, solution here:
I did not follow my own advice: Read everything on the screen when you have a problem, 80% of all solutions are there. In this case: Read the pink banner on top of the new-project window: Most likely you have forgotten to create at least one book. Once there are books, you may create a project, even without forced registration. Love you PT.

I do not refuse all the good reasons why a normal PT project should best be registered. But I read a lot of “publicity” for registration, and this sounds like there is still a theoretical option to not-register a new project. Please let us know how to create a new full translation project without forced registration. (Yes, the user knows and accepts the limited functionality.) The user is a regular PT user, with a full user-registration and consulting in several projects.

The inbuilt-help of PT9.3 implies that unregistered projects are possible with texts like these two samples:

[Why should I register my project?]

You must register your project in Paratext 8.0 (or later) if you want to do any of the following:

  • Send/Receive via the Internet
  • Use the Interlinearizer
  • Use Guess translations
  • Use Guess renderings (in the Biblical Terms tool)

Projects created with some of the “Type of Project” options have significant feature restrictions unless those projects are registered. These restrictions apply whether the project is shared or not shared, and apply to projects created in any version of Paratext.

Paratext by (842 points)

1 Answer

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Best answer

When you create a Standard project it is by default not registered. Registration is an option, but is not required.

by (8.3k points)
selected by [Moderator]
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For we were all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body—whether Jews or Gentiles, slave or free—and we were all given the one Spirit to drink.
1 Corinthians 12:13
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