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PT8 just crashed (working on “Incorrectly joined or split words”). When I restarted it, two windows opened, one with the message, “Review the recovered text and see if there’s anything worth saving”. Well, something like that… There was only an OK button on the information window, so I dutifully clicked it – “Yes, I agree it’s a good idea to review the recovered text” – and both windows disappeared???

Is there a way to re-open that window, or to otherwise find ‘recovered text’? Or do you just get one shot at it…?

Paratext by (620 points)

2 Answers

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Best answer

The recovered text message is displayed when Paratext is restarted after a crash - in progress edits are saved on a timer and will be present when Paratext doesn’t close normally. Once Paratext closes normally, any in progress information will have been removed since the edits would have been saved or discarded by the user on shutdown.

Paratext support

by [Administrator]
(3.2k points)


Yes, thank you John+Wickberg, that is what I managed to get also. But the \mt1 line is red and fails the markers check. No location for the Cint Sidebars seems to please Paratext. I’m thinking of editing the study bible custom stylesheet but didn’t want to do that if it really was a bad location.


0 votes

So does that mean I can find and view the in progress information somehow before Paratext closes normally? Even though I clicked OK and unwittingly caused the window with the relevant information to close…? It’s not clear to me from your response…

by (620 points)

Sorry, I probably got too detailed. Just meant to say that Paratext does save changes made to the current chapter occasionally so that those changes can be recovered on a crash - the saved data can’t be viewed directly. This recovery information is cleared on a normal shutdown.

You can use “Compare versions” to see what has changed recently.


Thanks for the tip on “Compare versions”. I’ll have a look.

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