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In one of my projects I did not see a biblical term (אָדוֹן-lord), tried to add it from HEB/GRK but it did

not let me do it, it was already in the biblical terms of the project. Checked the reference list of that term, was in the list. Checked whether I was in the right biblical term project and that was okay. But it doesn’t appear in the equivalents, why?
Paratext by (136 points)

6 Answers

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Best answer

I had had this problem many time
i solve by changing the normalization, choose Composed Character(NFC)

by (148 points)

Hi anon605793,

Thanks for your reaction!
Unfortunately, in my case in the project settings it is already set in NFC, soo…

Salutations cordiales / warm greetings,



This is hard to diagnose. So you have clicked on the gold star for Adon in the All Biblical terms list, but it does not appear in your project Biblical terms list.

I see from the screen shot you are using the Biblical terms renderings window. If you open the Biblical terms tool is Adon there? Do you see your project’s short name, MCW in the upper right corner?

Hi jeffh,

I do not see it in the upper right corner, but I will make a screen shot so you can see for yourself.

Salutations cordiales / warm greetings,


Sorry, I meant upper left corner. I see MCW there. I don’t have any more ideas of settings or filters that could cause your issue. You could try resetting Paratext, by holding down the shift key when you click on the Paratext icon. It is always worth trying. Is there a language technology specialist that can look at your computer?

0 votes


It is not allowed to add a term that is already on the list of Biblical terms. If you click on the Advanced tab, you will see a red warning flashing. If you hover over that, you will see the message that it is not allowed to add a term that is already on the list.


Can you describe the issue that makes you want to have a term on the list twice?

by [Expert]
(2.9k points)

Hi jeffh,

Thanks for your willingness to help me with this problem.

I do not need the same term twice, the problem is that the term does not show up in the equivalent window as you can see on the screen shot!

Salutations cordiales / warm greetings,


0 votes

This is most likely a versification issue. If you change the filter to show more than just the current verse, are you able to see the term you’re looking for?

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)
0 votes

anon057624 - I see that the term you are looking for does appear in verse 19:2 when you select the All Terms list. The list that appears in your Terms Renderings window is based on the list selected in the project settings > Associations. If you go to the menu for the Renderings window and change the list (far right) to All Terms you should see the term. My guess is that it does not have a gold star. This means it will not show up if you are using the Project list as your default list.

by (8.0k points)

Thanks anon848905,

I did choose the All terms, see screenshot, however the star is a gold as gold may be ;), soo…what might be your next guess?

Salutations cordiales / warm greetings,


By all terms I mean the all terms biblical terms list!

Salutations cordiales / warm greetings,


0 votes

One other thing to try is to unselect the gold star and then reselect it in the All Terms list. I have a vague memory that one time this fixed a similar issue, but can’t remember the details. I would recommend unchecking the star and then closing and restarting Paratext. Then check the star again to see if the term shows up in the project list.

by (8.0k points)
0 votes

I have access to the project, and it seems like this term appears properly now in the project list:

@anon057624 Maybe you could write a brief reply to say how you managed to get it to work?

by (1.3k points)

Hi jeffh,

I followed the instruction

One other thing to try is to unselect the gold star and then reselect it in the All Terms list. I have a vague memory that one time this fixed a similar issue, but can’t remember the details. I would recommend unchecking the star and then closing and restarting Paratext. Then check the star again to see if the term shows up in the project list.

and that worked!

Salutations cordiales / warm greetings,


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