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So… I have Paratext Modules set up for extracting the Sunday Readings in a format easy for readers to use during services. But good translation practice prefers translating larger units of text. Our teams would like to make a list of entire chapters (or other text units), sorted by liturgical year, to prioritize OT drafting.

Does anyone know of a list like this? Doesn’t have to be in PT Module format; just a list of all the references in the Sunday Readings calendar, sortable by Year (A,B,C) / Book / Chapter. I can extract all the \ref lines from my modules and then combine them into chapter-chunks, but this is a pretty large wheel to reinvent if it already exists.


Paratext by (630 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

This isn’t exactly what you’re looking for, but I think it might come close:
Lectionary: Scripture Index - Sundays (catholic-resources.org)

You can copy the chart into an Excel sheet and filter on the second column for A, B, or C to get a list for each of those years. You can delete or just ignore the specific verse references to be left with the relevant chapters.

by (109 points)

I can’t seem to find the World Council of Churches lectionary for 2023, but here is one from Canada,
lectionary_2023_yeara.pdf (united-church.ca)

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