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Having done a send/receive after one of the translators has done some work on some Psalms, I get two chapters where I get a merge conflict which has the following error:

Changes made to a chapter could not be merged because some verse numbers were invalid.
Red/Green Highlight corresponds to Older/Newer text
The changes that Paratext REJECTED:

And then it’s completely empty. I looked at both chapters in both Standard and Unformatted views, and cannot see any errors flagged.

I can also see that the send/receive report says that he made changes to one of the chapters in 13 verses on one day, 12 verses another, and 8 on another day, but no changes appear. These changes go back months, as he was learning his new computer while working on his old computer, and reflect his drafting over that time.

The verse history can successfully show me the progress of the drafting, and then my work with formatting, punctuation and spelling, but I see no problems with verse numbers.

One significant thing I did with Psalms was to remove the \cl lines which we had inherited when copying the markers from NIV on creating the book a few years ago. I don’t know that this is related, but I mention it for completeness.

So, is there a way that I can work out what changes have been made that are causing the conflict message?

Paratext by (312 points)

2 Answers

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Best answer

If you send your project information to me at [Email Removed], I can take a look at the conflict note.

Paratext support

by [Administrator]
(3.1k points)

+1 vote

Just for the record, John+Wickberg was able to find the errors, where a cross reference and a footnote had been added between \v and the verse number, presumably by accidentally typing ctrl-t or ctrl-shift-t in those places.

The only way to find the problem was to compare the current version to the one which introduced the error, which does not show up in the conflict note, as the verse numbering caused the whole chapter to be rejected.

by (312 points)

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