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One of our translators can’t do a Send/Receive for the main project (the back translation project does S/R just fine on his PC, and the other translators can do S/R for the main project). An error message says “corrupt registry” and gives the option to repair. But the repair does not start due to another error.

The project itself opens fine and the translator can work do work on it. And the project folder exists in the “My Paratext 9 Projects” folder.

Any ideas about how to get it to S/R? I should note that we do S/R via a router to a local server.

Paratext by (216 points)

2 Answers

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Best answer

I think you mean “corrupt repository” - a project history can get corrupted by different problems on a computer.

When the project history is corrupted, you can still open and edit the project, but will not be able to add more history to the project (like with “Mark point in project history”) or do a send/receive.

I normally recommend these steps to recover a project:

  1. Backup your project
  2. Restore the backup to a new project name
  3. Delete your local copy of the project
  4. Retrieve the project using send/receive
  5. Use Tools/Compare Texts to find changes between the restored project and the project created in step 2.

You can find more detail on these steps on this page: https://lingtran.net/Temporary+new+project

Paratext support

by [Administrator]
(3.2k points)


Thanks! Yes, you’re right that it’s a corrupt repository.

I’ll follow those steps when I’m back in the office in a couple of days and let you know how it went.

0 votes

Just to follow up: I followed the instructions and it worked perfectly. The translator had done some drafting work, so he was able to copy from the temporary new project and paste into the restored projet. So nothing lost.

by (216 points)

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