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Paratext messed us up today. Project B is adapting from project A using Interlinearizer. Project B translators can receive changes from project A, but they have no editing rights in project A nor do they have the role of translator in project A. The translators in project B should not be able to make or send changes to project A, only receive. When a translator in project B did a S/R today, Paratext said that the project A file was corrupt, so it found an old copy from the local computer. At a later S/R from the project B translator, several thousand changes were sent to project A. When we saw that, we asked the administrator in project A to undo all the changes. He did that, but we still ended up with four thousand conflicts in project A. It seems that the changes accepted and rejected by Paratext according to the conflict notes are actually correct. It will take a very long time to check all those conflicts, and it would also take too long to resolve each conflict note one by one. Is there a way to resolve or delete conflicts notes? Can I delete the Notes_.xml from the Project A folder?

Paratext by (869 points)

1 Answer

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If you search for help on “delete conflict notes” you can find instructions on how to delete the conflict notes for the active project.

by (8.0k points)

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