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(Paratext 9.3) In Jeremiah 49:8 there are two names, Dedan and Esau, that are shown in ‘All biblical terms’. Both have a yellow star there and a hover-note ‘click to delete from xxx Project Biblical terms’. Interestingly neither has a category (should be ‘Name’). But when I select the ‘xxx Project BT’ only ‘Esau’ shows up (and is given the category ‘Name’).
How do I get all my selected terms show up in the Project BT?

Paratext by (153 points)

1 Answer

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There are interesting conflicts between the All Biblical Terms list and Major Biblical Terms. Note that the All Biblical Terms list does NOT have categories. Categories are only attached to the Major Biblical Terms (and Project terms if you have added those). Paratext know where you selected the star. If you select it when in Major Biblical Terms then the term will have the category, but if you select it from All Biblical Terms it will not show the category.
I have found that sometimes unchecking the gold star, closing and reopening the tool, and then clicking the gold star again can help to reset some issues.
You comment that these should be deleted from the Project Biblical Terms. You should be able to turn off the gold stars from the All Biblical Terms (or Major Biblical Terms).
Finally, it is important to make sure that your filters are not impacting what you see. In this case if you set the filter to Current Verse it is easier to see what is/isn’t being included. In my test when I checked these two words in the All Biblical Terms and then switched to the Project Biblical Terms they were both visible.

by (8.4k points)

For some other training materials on Project Biblical Terms lists consider watching these videos:

Unchecking the star, closing, reopening and rechecking solved the problem. Thank you.
It would be nice if the change of list (‘All terms’, ‘Major terms’, ‘Project terms’) would be easier. I personally would like those three as buttons:-) Or the whole list as a drop down selectable list. There should be room enough in the window for that. I often have to switch the lists and it is a little tedious, four clicks for changing to one list and another four to switch back:-)

I agree that it is cumbersome. The development team is working on a redesign, maybe they will come up with a way to simplify how one works with Biblical terms.

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