0 votes

Hi all. Just a word about your Paratext.org webpage. It is currently saying, under the Impact subtitle, that you have 0 active users, 0 organizations, 0 resource texts, 0 languages. Might want to update those numbers, since we all know you have a much greater impact than that! (for which we are grateful…)

Paratext by (141 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
Best answer

@anon905537 It works for me too. Does refreshing the page work? Or trying a different browser?

If not, could you please send us your browser details?


by [Moderator]
(2.1k points)

Works now, thx.


0 votes

That’s strange. It’s working for me.

by (363 points)
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Colossians 3:14
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