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A group of translators in Mexico wants to use Google Translate to try to understand the text critical notes in HOTTP. Unfortunately, there is no way to select text and copy it from the HOTTP dialog:

I imagine this affects translators in other places too. Could the text in this resource be made copyable for those who use Google Translate to understand it?

Paratext by (448 points)

1 Answer

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I can confirm that you cannot copy the contents of HOTTP pop up. I presume that the copyright holder wanted their material to be protect. There is “Guia para el Uso de la BHS” available in Translator’s Workplace if the translation practitioners in Mexico wanted to consult the apparatus for the BHS. The BHS apparatus is much more daunting to decipher than the HOTTP which I suppose is one of the reasons it was developed. Critical Apparatuses: What and Why (logos.com)
A more readable apparatus is the BHQ that is still being developed but the first 7 volumes are available for purchase. Biblia Hebraica Quinta with Apparatus | BHQ (7 vols.) | Logos Bible Software

by [Expert]
(2.9k points)

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