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Do we know if Paratext 9 works on Windows 10 for ARM devices, like the Surface Pro X?

Paratext by [Moderator]
(2.0k points)

2 Answers

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I have not tried this, but here is what I am guessing:
I believe Paratext runs in 64-bit code.
Up until just now, the Surface Pro X could only emulate and run 32-bit code EXEs.
I believe the new Surface Pro 9 with 5G is the ARM version and apparently it does emulate 64-bit Intel code. So it should be able to run Paratext. (This 32-bit limitation was a major reason why I didn’t purchase a Surface Pro X.)

I hope someone with one of these new devices can let us know for sure.

by (363 points)
0 votes

I don’t know about devices like that, but it works in Parallels on an ARM-based iMac running Windows 11 for ARM.

by (278 points)
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Hebrews 10:24-25
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