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Is there a way to have the Biblical Terms tool recognize a term that is separated by other words?
Example: teni ** maf : ROOT intervening word(s) ROOT where the roots also have prefixes and suffixes

Paratext by (127 points)

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You could either have *ROOT* ** *ROOT* (where the asterisks on the root would find affixes) or you could simply have ROOT ** ROOT (and define the affixes in the Word Prefix and Suffix menu)

Note that the guide for editing a term points out that you should have the two asterisks together to represent any number of intervening words. If you only have the possibility of two intervening words you would use a space between the asterisks.

by (8.2k points)

Hi anon848905,

We tried the first option, and it doesn’t work. I’m not sure why not.

Thanks for confirming the format, though!


Hi anon928451,
This is what I do and it usually works.
*ROOT* ** *ROOT*
Occasionally I have an issue due to the root being with/without an accent or a typo that slips in. anon570831 F

This isn’t showing correctly on the response:
asterisk/root/asterisk double asterisk asterisk/root/asterisk

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