+1 vote

I was poking around in the advanced menu of PT the other day and stumbled upon the item: Consume Scripture Burrito. Is this just an Easter egg, or is there really such a thing as a Scripture Burrito? If so, I feel like I probably want to consume one. So how do I get my hands on one?
PS Is this what I’m looking for?

Paratext by (181 points)

3 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer

As part of the Scripture Burrito Committee, I’m glad you like it! We’re quite proud of the name. :grin:

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

0 votes

Yes, the link you shared is to the documentation on Scripture Burritos. This is not fully implemented yet.

by (8.4k points)

I enjoyed the thematic vocabulary: consume, flavors, etc. I look forward to eating my share when they come out of the kitchen.

Fun in English, but not much fun for people trying to localize the user interface into other languages…

+1 vote

Runner up names: Glorious Guacamole and Solemn Salsa. :smiley:

by (106 points)
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